Mention Books As Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4)

Original Title: Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom
ISBN: 1600108865 (ISBN13: 9781600108860)
Edition Language: English
Series: Locke & Key #4
Characters: Tyler Locke, Kinsey Locke, Bode Locke
Setting: Lovecraft, Massachusetts(United States)
Literary Awards: Bram Stoker Award Nominee for Best Graphic Novel (2011), Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Nominee for Adult Literature (2015), British Fantasy Award for Best Comic/Graphic Novel (2012), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Graphic Novels & Comics (2011)
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Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4) Hardcover | Pages: 152 pages
Rating: 4.41 | 26901 Users | 1615 Reviews

Be Specific About Of Books Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4)

Title:Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4)
Author:Joe Hill
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 152 pages
Published:February 2013 by IDW Publishing (first published July 19th 2011)
Categories:Sequential Art. Graphic Novels. Comics. Horror. Fantasy. Fiction. Graphic Novels Comics

Rendition In Pursuance Of Books Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4)

Ugh I’m not emotionally prepared for the last two volumes ———————————————— THIS VOLUME WAS SO GOOD. The plot is getting seriously nuts, and I'm terrified and excited to see where things go. I only have two volumes left to read, and I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.

Rating Of Books Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4)
Ratings: 4.41 From 26901 Users | 1615 Reviews

Crit Of Books Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4)
Ohhhhhh snap! Shit. Just. Got. Real. This installment was chaotic and hectic, in the best possible way. I loved how Bode's playtime was drawn in different styles. It was just so appropriate and endearing, and it fit so well to each theme of his playtime, while at the same time being just as dark and grim as any of the series has been so far. I loved the February chapter, how it progresses the story via fight montages, without saying much of anything at all, just showing us fight after fight

Man I love this story so much

Many more keys, things become even more mixed up, someone dies in the end issue and it tells you this on the cover. Dodge continues to be creepy; Bode learns about life. Tribute to Bill Watterson.... Loved that part.

Find all of my reviews at: guys are all aware of the fact that Im an idiot, right? Yeah, I thought so. Just to confirm, Im going to tell you a little secret. I accidentally started reading Locke and Key Volume 5 instead of 4 the other day. Luckily I figured out my mistake once I made it past Chapter 1 (which was a flashback). Then I started reading what I thought was Keys to the Kingdom only to find myself reading . . . Calvin and Hobbes? These allergy

The first half was disappointingly incoherent. And what was up with those cartoony-style panels about Bode, who appears to have turned from a slightly weird, sightly dumb little boy to a very weird kid who talks like a Charles Wallace baby genius?The second half got better. I was glad to see Rufus finally having a plot role. Ty got smarter (as one ideally does during the course of adolescence and after some rough experiences) and Kinsey got dumber (as one probably does after artificially

Amazing ending! Sort of a cliffhanger, but wow I need to read the next one right away. I've said it before, but I'm saying it again, Joe Hill can fucking write.Aside from the ending, I liked volume 3 more than this. The story continues to develop but it lacked the depth that the last volume had. I am hating the shit out of Zack as the series goes on. The characters are really likable and they continue to grow on you.4.5/5 stars. Still shy of a .5 but it's almost there. I want more keys.

The series just gets better and better. In Keys to the Kingdom I feel the need to remark on the daring use of unconventional storytelling and experimental graphic settings. The opening issue, Sparrow is a particularly well executed homage to my all time favorite artist Bill Waterson and his newspaper style of small panel stories. The choice of Bode as a stand-in for the subversive Calvin is obvious to anyone familiar with the personalities of the Locke children. Heres a gem from the mouth of